Balthazar Bratt’s attire has an antiquated feel. It can be replicated by wearing a purple suit and trousers. Under the jacket, a white crewneck blouse should be worn. Additionally, his costume includes a pair of fingerless mittens and white dress shoes. Get a vintage-style retro mullet wig with a false moustache to complete your Balthazar Bratt costume! Balthazar Bratt chose the path of evil and perpetrated so many crimes that, 32 years later, he is the most wanted criminal in the anti-villain league. In the film Despicable Me 3, Balthazar Bratt is a consummate manipulator. He is exceptionally adept at adopting new guises. He is also exceedingly self-centered and cares only about himself. He desires, as all supervillains do, to attain global dominance. But first, he intends to annihilate Hollywood in retaliation!

How to Create Balthazar Bratt’s Despicable Me 3 Costume
Wear the following accessories to complement Balthazar’s costume:
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Purple Suit and Pants
Dress in Purple, Including Pants Get this suit and trousers in a deep purple colour.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me White turtleneck
The neckpiece is white. After that, put on a white shirt beneath it.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me White Shoes
Shoes in White Put the finishing touch on your stylish look with a pair of white dress shoes.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Fake Mustache
Shoes in White Put the finishing touch on your stylish look with a pair of white dress shoes.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Mullet Wig
Mullet Wig This vintage wig is the perfect accessory to complete your throwback style.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Fingerless Gloves
Fingerless Gloves Put on this pair of mittens without fingers as well.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Costume Set
Costume Set You also have the option of purchasing this whole set by itself.
Balthazar Bratt Despicable Me Wireless keyboard
Keyboard without wires Carry a keyboard around with you as a prop if you like.
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About Balthazar Bratt
Balthazar Bratt is a villain in the film Despicable Me 3 from the popular Despicable Me film series. Balthazar is claimed to have been a kid celebrity in the past. He used to be a good character, but he deteriorated after reaching puberty and his programme was cancelled. He swears to demolish Hollywood. Balthazar Bratt was a child actor who portrayed an evil version of himself in a TV show. He looted banks, burned down cities, and vanquished armies. But then he hit puberty, which was sad. His show’s ratings plummeted to the point where the producers were obliged to cancel it. Balthazar then began to lose his sanity. He lost his individuality and began to believe that the TV show version of himself was real.
Guide to the Greatest Balthazar Bratt Costumes
Balthazar Bratt is the main villain in the Dreamworks film Despicable Me 3. The theft of the world’s largest diamond is Balthazar Bratt’s claim to fame. The former musical star of the 1980s is now just an egotistical supervillain. Bratt is incredibly disruptive, and he continues to seek vengeance on Hollywood for cancelling the television show in which he appeared as a child. This comical villain is a throwback to the 1980s. With this Balthazar Bratt costume guide, you can have the look of the want tobe 1980s musician.
To cosplay the Michael Jackson-obsessed villain, start by donning a Rock Star Wig and styling your hair like the rockstars of the 1980s. Get a Walrus Mustache for your face next. After that, a Purple Suit Jacket with a Turtleneck Pullover Top and Thin Purple Trousers. Finally, put on Men’s Loafers and Fingerless Gloves. Don’t forget to bring your Wireless Keyboard!
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Costumes for Balthazar Bratt
Balthazar Bratt, a character in the Dreamworks film Despicable Me 3, is a cross between an 80s rockstar and a Michael Jackson-inspired pop dancer. He’s calm, collected, and on top of the world! He’s also a ruthless criminal who will go to any length to become the most evil person on the globe! That’s why dressing up as this conceited villain is so much fun! The question isn’t why you’d want to dress up as an 80’s rocker want tobe villain. The question is, why wouldn’t you?
Another concern is why you would want to do this cosplay by yourself. Get your friends together and make your very own Despicable Me cosplay. Your buddies can dress up as Lucy Wilde, Vector, Felonius Gru, Agnes Gru, Edith Gru, Margo Gru, or even the adorable minions! The Costume Wall is packed with outfit guides for popular characters that you can cosplay as. And whatever you and your friends decide to dress up as, don’t forget to send us your photos so we can include them in the character cosplay gallery!